Uploading Fund Statements to DonorCentral does not Finish
  • 19 Jan 2023
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Uploading Fund Statements to DonorCentral does not Finish

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Article summary

While uploading statements to DonorCentral it says the total number of statements it is uploading, which is correct, but when it finishes not all statements upload. During the process it will say for example, uploading 155 of 226 and continue on while it uploads and then when it finishes it says completed but the process only uploaded 223 instead of the full 226.


Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Log into DonorCentral
  2. Go to Control Panel > Fund Statements
  3. Upload and choose zip file
  4. See that all statements do not upload
The fix for this issue was released on 1/14/2020

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