Uploading Statements to DonorCentral from FIMS and Saving Statements to Fund Folders is Slow
  • 26 Feb 2024
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Uploading Statements to DonorCentral from FIMS and Saving Statements to Fund Folders is Slow

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Article summary

When using the Upload DC Fund Statements located in Tools > System Utilities > Donor Central > Upload DC Fund Statements statements are slow to upload, and many times take hours to complete in FIMS on NPact Azure.

Slowness can also occur when choosing the option to save statements to fund folders.


Uploading Fund Statements:

This issue can occur in FIMS on Azure if you are creating statements to your local C drive and then uploading to DonorCentral from that local C drive. For FIMS on Azure for better performance use the S drive for statements. This can be changed in User Preferences:

External Statements-Individual Statements for DonorCentral in Azure

Saving to fund folders:

Use the Explore_Dir_Alt Directory for the fund folders. You may have to choose a fund folder on the S drive and then when uplaoding move the documents from S drive to local folders on local fund folder:

What is the difference between the Explore_Dir directory and the Explore_Dir_Alt one?

Additional work-around for fund statements:

You can also choose to zip the files and upload them to DonorCentral. Zip up all of your PDFs along with the contents file that are in the folder where the PDFs were created and upload the zip file to DonorCentral.

How to Create a Zip File of Fund Statements to Upload to DonorCentral

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