Using Default Batch Codes
  • 12 Jul 2023
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Using Default Batch Codes

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Batch Processing > Using Default Batch Codes

Using Default Batch Codes 

A default batch code can be entered each time you begin a transaction entry session to group all of the transactions for that session.

When you are ready to post the transactions, the Edit Report prompts for a Batch value range, and only transactions with matching values will be processed and posted. For example, if you are posting a batch of Grant applications, you must enter the batch number you want to post. The A/P vouchers created by the post will have the same batch number, and the Voucher Edit Report and post can also be limited to the same batch of grants.

Tip: You can change the default batch code for individual transactions if you do not want to include them in the batch.

Note: This procedure takes you through processing a batch of Donor-Advised Grants. Keep in mind that although this procedure uses specific data, you can apply the steps to any batch processes you want to perform.

1. Make sure that batch processing is enabled for Grants.

2. In the Grantee and Grant Management module, click the Application Defaults button on the toolbar. The Default Application Entry Values window opens.

Default Application Entry Values

3. In the Default Batch field, enter the batch code that you want to apply to applications in this session. This code becomes the default batch number for each new application you create in the session.

Note: You can change the default batch code for individual transactions if you do not want to include them in the batch. To do this, select the text in the Batch field on the application and either type over it or delete it.

Note: For batching gifts or manual journal entries, simply enter the batch number in the first record. When you add the next record, the same batch number will be entered by default.


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