Value 1234809809 cannot be displayed using 9.99. (74) when Clicking on Applications in the Grant Module
  • 20 Jan 2023
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Value 1234809809 cannot be displayed using 9.99. (74) when Clicking on Applications in the Grant Module

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Article summary

Value 1234809809 cannot be displayed using ->>,>>>,>>9.99. (74) when when Clicking on Applications in the Grant Module after importing them from IGAM.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go to the Grant Module, applications tab
2. Click on a line for a grant that was imported from IGAM and receive error
3. Note that some lines above and below become greyed out. 
This issue was caused by the application in IGAM having 10 digits, for example, 1234545667 but FIMS has decimal points so it imported as 1,234,545,667.00 which is too big for the request amount field in FIMS.

The solution was to delete the two grants in FIMS with question marks for requested amount, and now when clicking on different grants in the application tab the error no longer occurs.

You can manually recreate the grants in question that had the errors in FIMS.

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