Value 196292900 Using - 9.99 (74) when Exporting out Applications Using the Export Application Data Process
  • 20 Jan 2023
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Value 196292900 Using - 9.99 (74) when Exporting out Applications Using the Export Application Data Process

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Article summary

Value 196292900 cannot be displayed when using the Export Application Data process in the Grants module.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Go to Grants module > Application super tab > Processes tab > Export Application Data
  2. Run the process
  3. Run a Word merge using the exported txt file as a data source
  4. See errors occur
  5. Also see the same error in the raw data file.


 This issue is caused by question marks on the Income Unknown field in the Grantee field maker area.To fix this issue, you can change the question marks to an actual numerical value.

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