Vendor Listing Report
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Vendor Listing Report

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Article summary

Vendor Listing Report

This report provides a list of vendors and / or Grantees along with their name and address information.

Use your Selection criteria to determine whether vendors, Grantees, or both will appear on the report (for example, if you use a field from the Grantee table as one of your selection criteria, and don’t use any fields from the Vendor table, only Grantees will appear on the report).

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Accounts Payable > Vendor Listing.

Vendor Listing Report


Vendor Listing Report Fields




Indicates whether the record is a vendor. A Y appears in this column next to each vendor record.


Indicated whether the record is a Grantee. A Y appears in this column next to each Grantee record.


The vendor or Grantee’s Profile ID code.


The vendor or Grantee’s report name.

City, State

The vendor or Grantee’s primary city and state.

Work Phone #

The vendor or Grantee’s work phone number.


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