View Data Grid Totals
  • 23 Mar 2023
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View Data Grid Totals

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Data Grids > View Data Grid Totals

View Data Grid Totals

The Data Grid Totals button allows you to generate totals based on selected columns in the data grid.

1. Open the desired data grid view, and then click Data Grid Totals.
Example: Totals Selections Window

2. On the Total Columns tab, select the columns that you want to total by and then click Add

3. On the Sorting tab, select the column that you want to sort the data by and then click Add
Example: Totals Sorting Tab

4. Verify the Send To destination, as you would for a standard FIMS report and rujn report

Send your data grid report to the Graphical Viewer where you can print it or export to Word, Excel, PDF, or other formats. The options here are the same as those for standard reports with the graphical viewer options.


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