View Groups and Relationships
  • 23 Mar 2023
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View Groups and Relationships

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Data Grids > View Groups and Relationships

View Groups and Relationships in the Data Grid

FIMS allows you to view grouped Profiles and Relationships directly in the data grid, by presenting a tree view of Profiles that are related to the selected record. This option is available in many standard data grids.

Note: Refer to Creating Relationships Between Profiles in the Profile Management module for more information about Relationships.

1. Open the desired data grid and select the desired record in the list.

2. Right-click in the data grid and select View/Hide Profile Grouping. The Profile Grouping tree opens on the right-hand side of the data grid window, displaying the grouping for the selected Profile. This tree is a hierarchical representation of the relationships that the selected Profile has with other Profiles in the database. Every record on the Relationship tab is represented in this tree.

Note: If you want to view all of the related records at one time, select the Expand All checkbox to open all of the group folders. Otherwise, you can open each folder one at a time.

Note: If you want to go to one of the related Profiles in the data grid, select the desired Profile in the tree and click the Goto Profile button. The Profile will be selected in the data grid, and its grouping / relationship information will be displayed in the Profile Grouping tree.

Example: Data Grid with Profile Grouping Tree

Note: If there is no grouping/relationship information for the selected record, the Profile Grouping tree section will be blank.

3. (Optional) If you want to change the information that is displayed in the tree view, right-click anywhere in the tree view section of the window. The Group Tree Options window opens.

Group Tree Options Window

  1. In the Show Levels field, select the number of levels that you want to show in the tree-view hierarchy. The default value is 3.

  2. If you want to see all of the Profiles that the current record is related to (not just grouped Profile information), select the Show All Related Profiles checkbox.

  3. If you want to see the Groups that the Profile is a member of, select the Show Groups Belong To checkbox.

  4. Click OK to view the selected information in the tree view. FIMS will automatically save your tree view settings so you do not have to reset them each time you log in.

4. If you want to close the tree view and display the data grid in full screen mode, right-click on the data grid and select View/Hide Profile Grouping.


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