View Journal History from the Ledger Detail Tab
  • 21 Jul 2023
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View Journal History from the Ledger Detail Tab

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You are here: General Ledger > General Ledger Accounts and Manual Journal Entries > View Journal History from the Ledger Detail Tab

View Journal History from the Ledger Detail Tab

The Ledger Detail tab allows you to view the YTD Journal History for a selected account, based on the year and period you select.

1. In the General Ledger module, click the Accounts supertab, and then click the Search button on the toolbar (looks like binoculars). The Accounts Data Grid opens.

2. Select the desired account and the appropriate Fiscal Year and Period, and then click the Ledger Detail tab.

Note: Refer to Looking Up General Ledger Accounts for more information on locating Account records in the Data Grid.

Ledger Detail Tab

3. Select the desired Journal entry, and then click the View Journal History button. The G/L Journal History window opens, where you can view the complete Journal entry in context with all of the other entries for the selected account (which usually allows you to see other parts of the entry).

NOTE: This window contains the same information as the Ledger Items tab on the Journal History super tab. Refer to the Ledger Items Tab for more information about all of the available fields.

G/L Journal History Window

NOTE: If the entry originated as a Gift, Pledge, Grant, or Scholarship a View Gift, View Pledge, View Grant, or View Scholarship button will be available. Click this button to view the original transaction entry screen without closing General Ledger and opening the subsidiary module.

Example: Application Window (for Grant Journal Entries)


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