View Reports in the FIMS Viewer
  • 17 May 2023
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View Reports in the FIMS Viewer

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You are here: FIMS Other Features > Reports > Run Standard FIMS Reports > View Reports in the FIMS Viewer

View Reports in the FIMS Viewer

The FIMS Viewer displays reports when you choose to send them to the screen. You can save, print, change the font, and search for data in the report. Many reports also allow you to rerun the report directly from the FIMS Viewer.

Example: Report in FIMS Viewer

Standard FIMS Viewer Menu Options

Note: The available menus and options may vary, depending on the report you are viewing.

Menu Option


File > Save As

Saves the report in a user-defined location with a user-defined name. Once you save a report you can open it in Microsoft Word or Excel to edit or enhance it.

See Saving Reports from the FIMS Viewer for more information.

File > Print

Opens a standard Windows print options window and then sends the report to the selected printer.

File > Exit

Closes the FIMS Viewer.

Edit > Copy

Copies the selected text to the clipboard without removing it from the report. You can then paste the text into another application.

Edit > Find

Finds a specified word or phrase in the report.

Edit > Find Next

Finds the next instance of the specified word or phrase in the report.

Edit > Font

Opens a window where you can select a different font and font size to use when viewing or printing the report.

Edit > Reset Font

Sets the font for the report to its original settings.

Rerun Report

Returns you to the report selections so you can rerun the report. See Rerunning Reports from the FIMS Viewer for more information.

Note: This option is not available on all reports.

Create Contacts / Affs

Allows you to create Contact records for each unique Profile ID code included in the report. See either Creating Contacts from Reports and/or Exports or Adding Affiliations from Reports and/or Exports in the Profile Management module for more information.

Note: This option is not available on all reports.


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