View Reports in the Graphical Viewer
  • 19 Sep 2023
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View Reports in the Graphical Viewer

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Article summary

View Reports in the Graphical Viewer

Select Graphical Viewer on the Send To tab to display your reports.The Graphical Viewer presents report data in a printer-friendly format.

From the graphical viewer, you can also export report data to a number of different formats. You can also re-run a report.

Report Options

The graphical viewer toolbar offers access to several report options: 



You may export your report data to another file format.

Click the icon and from the menu select how you want to export the report:

  • Image
  • PDF
  • Excel

Copy the contents of the report to your workstation’s clipboard, and then paste the data into another file, such as a Word document.

If you want to print your report, you can first set up the page to print properly. Click the icon to open the page setup options. You can change the paper size or orientation (portrait/landscape), adjust the margins, or add a watermark.

Click to print your report.

Click this icon to toggle the sidebar on/off – the sidebar pane is hidden by default.

With the sidebar open, you can then enter text to search for in the report.

Viewing Modes

The graphical viewer offers a number of viewing modes and options: 



The default, static view.

Select this mode to move the report around. In this mode, the mouse pointer becomes a hand; left click to “grasp” the report, then move the mouse to adjust it.

Select this mode if you want to select some of the text in your report. For example, you could select a certain row or entry, copy it, then paste it into an Excel spreadsheet or other file.

Select this mode and user your mouse to drag a rectangle over any area of the report. When you release the mouse button, a "snapshot" of the area is saved to the clipboard. You can then paste the image into a Word document or elsewhere.

Using these two modes, you can click with your mouse to zoom in or out on the report.

NOTE: You can also zoom in and out by selecting or entering a percentage in the second prompt shown

Pagination Controls

Use the following controls to page through your report: 



Go to the previous page of the report.

Go to the first page of the report.

You can enter a page number here and jump to that page of the report.

Go to the next page of the report.

Go to the last page of the report.

Refresh and Find Options 



If data in FIMS has changed since you ran the report, you can refresh the report by clicking Refresh.

If the report is taking too long to complete, you can click Cancel to stop the refresh.


Toggle the sidebar on/off so that you can run a text search of your report.


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