What are the FIMS Function Keys?
  • 02 Feb 2023
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What are the FIMS Function Keys?

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Article summary

What are the FIMS Function Keys?

The following function keys can be used in FIMS for various purposes:
  • F1 - Will sometimes act like an Enter key in some tools or utilities.  It is not used frequently in regular FIMS, but is used in many utilities.
  • F2 - Opens the Help screens
  • F3 - Activates the Search feature.  For most of FIMS, this will take you back to the data grid for the module or super tab you're on.
  • F5 - Performs a refresh.  FIMS data will be updated to the latest information on the server.  If you just modified something and the data appears to be the same as before the change, clicking F5 should refresh the values to the newly entered information.
  • F6 - Performs a lookup.  It will bring up the selection list (e.g. code field choices or lookup for profiles, funds, etc.).  Clicking the initial letters of the item you are looking for before clicking F6 will sometimes take you to that portion of the list.
  • F8 - Clears all data in a field to the right of the cursor.  This is particularly useful for date fields or account keys in the General Ledger.
  • F10 - Brings up a box that allows you to activate a pop-up window to show the procedure name before execution.  This is frequently turned on in error.  Hit F10 and uncheck the box to turn the option off.

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