What are the workflows for Microsoft Excel with FIMS on Azure Cloud?
  • 07 Mar 2024
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What are the workflows for Microsoft Excel with FIMS on Azure Cloud?

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Article summary

Since Microsoft Office is not installed in Azure Cloud, how can I use Microsoft Excel functions?

These are the workflows using Excel that will require new techniques: 

  • Launch Excel – Microsoft Excel is not visible as a published application from Azure Cloud, and you will not be able to open Microsoft Excel files in Azure Cloud. You can still work with your FIMS information by using a local installation of Excel in your desktop environment. 


  • Save Reports from the FIMS Viewer – Saving reports from the FIMS Viewer to create data files will require saving the report to a local drive and opening the saved file with Microsoft Excel in your desktop environment. See detailed steps below. 


  • Export FIMS Data to Excel – Exporting FIMS to Excel will require saving the export file to a local drive and opening the saved file with Microsoft Excel in your desktop environment. See detailed steps below. 


  • Paste or Import FIMS Data into Excel – Pasting or importing FIMS data to Excel will require opening Microsoft Excel in your desktop environment and pasting or importing the copied data. See detailed steps below.  


  • Import Excel data into FIMS – Importing Excel data into FIMS will require selecting an Excel spreadsheet saved on your local drive. See detailed steps below.

  • Importing data into FIMS using the Spreadsheet Import Wizard - Importing data into FIMS using the Spreadsheet Import Wizard, run as a procedure from Tools\System Utilities\Run Procedure, gui\imports\d-ssimp.w will no longer work. You will see errors occur if attempting to use this tool.

List of processes that use the spreadsheet import wizard:

1. Import contacts
How can I Import Contact Records into FIMS?

2. Import profiles:
How do I import profiles into FIMS

3. Import Notes:
Is it possible to Import Notes on Existing Profiles?

4. Import Fund Representative and Fund Association records
How can I Import Fund Representative and Fund Association records?

5. Import multiple payment lines in a grant
How can I Import Payments Lines into Grants?


My organization does not have a license for Microsoft Excel. What can I do? 

Since Microsoft Excel is not available in Azure Cloud, you will be required to have a local copy to complete Excel activities. Microsoft allows for free or discounted purchases of Microsoft Office for nonprofits and charities. To get more information, visit this website:

How can I get a Microsoft Office license for my organization? 

You can work with your data by using a local installation of Excel.

How to Move or Copy Files Between Local Drives and My Files

The information below describes how you can use a local installation of Excel with your FIMS information.

How do I save reports from the FIMS Viewer? 

Save reports from the FIMS Viewer by using a local installation of Excel. 

  1. In FIMS, run your report. 

  1. Save or copy the report to a local drive. 

  1. Open a local installation of Excel. 

  1. From within Excel, open your saved report.

How do I export FIMS data to Excel? 

Open an exported FIMS report using a local installation of Excel. 

  1. In FIMS, run an export. 

  1. Save the export data as a file on your local drive. 

  1. Open a local installation of Excel. 

  1. From within Excel, open your saved file.  

How do I paste or import FIMS data to Excel? 

Paste or import FIMS data using a local installation of Excel. 

  1. In FIMS, pull up your data that you want to import or paste into Excel. 

  1. Copy the data. 

  1. Open a local installation of Excel. 

  1. From within Excel, paste or import your data. 

       5. Save the file.

How do I import data from a spreadsheet into FIMS?
Select a spreadsheet saved on your local computer and use that for the import. Note if you have a spreadsheet in the S drive My Files you can use that for the import provided it does not need to be opened and edited before importing. If the spreadsheet in the S drive My Files needs to be opened and edited, you will need to copy\move it to your local machine and open and edit it there. From there you can choose the spreadsheet on your local computer.

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