What do the Totals in the Outstanding Grants by Fund Report Tie to?
  • 18 Jan 2023
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What do the Totals in the Outstanding Grants by Fund Report Tie to?

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Article summary

I am running the outstanding grants by fund report but do not see where they tie to open vouchers in AP, what does this report tie to?


The 1st column (commitments outstanding) should tie to beginning grants payable in GL.

The 2nd column (new grants approved) should tie to grants expense in GL.

The 3rd column (payments on grants) should tie to total grant payments

The 4th column (commitments outstanding should tie to ending grants payable in GL which should also tie to Payables as of a past date report for grant vouchers in AP.

When running the outstanding grants by fund, you may want to exclude interfunds from the report.

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