What GL Apply Date and FACTS Confirm Date should I use for Asset Rebalancing Entries?
  • 27 Dec 2022
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What GL Apply Date and FACTS Confirm Date should I use for Asset Rebalancing Entries?

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Article summary

I am running asset rebalancing, what GL apply date and FACTS confirm date should I use for rebalancing entries?


The GL apply date and FACTS confirm date for asset rebalancing will depend on several factors for example how often you are running the process.
For example, if you only do asset rebalancing once per cycle at the end of the cycle then the GL apply date would be the end of the month, but the FACTS confirm date would be perhaps set for the 15th. If you use the last day of the month for the confirm date, FACTS does not include those transactions for allocation purposes, whereas if you use the 15th the funds get 15 days of allocations based on those transactions. Sometimes if foundations only do one asset rebalancing a month the middle of the month (15th) will be used as the FACTS confirm date as a way of evening out all the transactions.

Again, the above is just an example. You will need to determine what FACTS confirm date to use for these transactions:
How does FACTS calculate and distribute earnings?

You can set the FACTS confirm date in the window when posting asset rebalancing entries. By default, the FACTS confirm date is the General Ledger Apply Date, but you may change the date to what is needed for your foundation.

Running Asset Rebalancing Entries

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