What is the FIMS Database Health Audit Feature and how do I Use it?
  • 17 Aug 2023
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What is the FIMS Database Health Audit Feature and how do I Use it?

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Article summary

In Tools\System Utilities\Admin Utilities there is a feature called, "DB Health Audit", what is that and how I can use it?


The Database Health Audit is for self-hosted customers to assist with managing your data. The tool will show you when your last FIMS database back up was and will show you information regarding your database structure.

1. When you first launch the DB Health Audit, you will see an informational message that will tell you when your last database backup was taken. This message is generated from the latest file date in npo\found\dbbackup on your FIMS server. What this means is that this is the last time an actual FIMS database backup was done. You may have a process in place to backup your database files or the entire server, but this message is specific to the actual database backup process itself which is not the same as making a copy of the database files or the NPO directory. It is recommended that you create regular database backups so that in case of emergency you can restore to a recent data backup if needed:

You can verify the information in the window by going to \npo\found\DBBackup and noting the last date of your database backup. See the following articles on making a FIMS database backup:

What is the Recommended Backup Process for the FIMS Database?
How can I Manually Create a FIMS Database Backup?

2. After you click OK on the message regarding the database backup you may see a message regarding the database buffer:

Please get a screenshot and create an NPact support case.

3. When you click on the message above, you will see a report as shown below. This report shows any database areas that have increased beyond the allotted indexed file space.

If you do not see any message as shown above, or a report below, then that means that the DB Health Audit Utility did not identify any database files needing to be restructured. If you do see areas in your database listed in the DB Health Audit report that need to be restructured, please create a support case with NPact and a copy of your DB Health Audit report.

This is an example of three files that need to be extended:

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