When we update the contact name for an organization, the "default salutation" is the only salutation field that does not update
  • 20 Jan 2023
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When we update the contact name for an organization, the "default salutation" is the only salutation field that does not update

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Article summary

When we update the contact name for an organization, the "defult salutation" is the only salutation field that does not update.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Log into FIMS and open the Profiles module
  2. Select any profile
  3. Click on the Profile 1 tab
  4. Update the first name of the profile
  5. Click Save along the top menu bar
  6. Click on the Salutations tab
  7. You will see that the default salutation has not changed
To update the default salutations, click on the Build Salutations button:
Rebuild Salutations

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