Why are my Fund Balances displaying 0 in DonorCentral?
  • 03 May 2023
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Why are my Fund Balances displaying 0 in DonorCentral?

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Article summary

The Fund Balances in DonorCentral are displaying $0 in DonorCentral, but that is not the true balance of our funds. What's going on? DonorCentral showing fund balances as zero.

This can happen when you change over to a new year. Donor Central is trying to pull the fund balances from your General Ledger, however if you have not run your year end process, those accounts do not yet exist. To correct this, run the year end closing process found in File Maintenance > General Ledger > End-Of-Year Closing. After this, your next Donor Central Data upload will include the correct fund balances. 

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