Why is the FIMS Full installer hanging?
  • 19 Apr 2023
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Why is the FIMS Full installer hanging?

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Article summary

I am installing a full version of FIMS using the executable installer and it hangs.

This issue can occur on Windows Server 2012. Windows Server 2012 blocks files from an outside (internet) source from running. If your running MS Windows 2012 Server and the FIMS XX.XX installer hangs when attempting to run (sometimes it will get a little further than other times). This may be caused by the feature Windows 2012 Server has where it will "block" the running of any file from an outside/internet source.

To check, right click on the installer file (setupXXXX.exe) and click properties.  Then on the general tab, at the bottom it'll display "file came from internet" check/click to unblock.  Unblock the file and re-run the installer. This time it should run normally.

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