Why is the Fund Summary Activity Report Missing Years with no Activity?
  • 11 Jan 2023
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Why is the Fund Summary Activity Report Missing Years with no Activity?

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I am running the Fund Summary Activity report and I would like to see all years for a fund even if there is no activity, but I see that only years with either gift or grant activity are populated on this report, how can I fix this?


The Fund Summary Activity Reports gets data from the Summary tab of the fund record. The fund summary record is created when:

1. There is a gift grant or pledge for the year.

2. The spending policy is calculated or $0 is entered for an amount.

If the fund has not had any gifts or grants, most likely the spending policy was not calculated and a $0 spending amount was not added and thus the summary record was never created. This isn't unusual as most not so active funds will have gap years. Retired funds or dormant funds will look like this as well.

If you would like a fund summary record, go to view > spending policy > Spending Policy Calculations. Manually adjust spending policy and choose each year and add a record with a $0 value for the fund. As you add the record you will see the fund summary tab filling out on the fund for each year with a 0.00 amount. You can then run the Fund Summary Activity report and now there will be a listing of all years even for those years with no activity.

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