Add Existing Documents to Document Module
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Add Existing Documents to Document Module

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Add Existing Documents to Document Module

Add preexisting documents to the Documents Module to store in FIMS, or so you can upload them to DonorCentral.

Note: This procedure is applicable for Gifts, Grants, and Pledges documents.

1. Go to View > Documents Module.

2. Click the Processes tab.

3. Select an option for either Grant, Gift, or Pledge documents.

4. Select Run Process.

5. Specify your selection criteria to identify the documents.

6. Select OK.

7. In the Selections tab, select Run Report.

8. In the report, select Create Document Links.

9. After the process locates the documents, a prompt displays.

10. Choose one of the following actions:

  • Create and Upload to DC - Adds the document to the Document Module and attaches it to the associated record in DonorCentral.
  • Create - Adds the document to the Document Module.
  • Look Again – If the displayed results don’t match the expectation, something may have gone wrong with Microsoft Word. You can open Microsoft Word and run the macro manually or do both the merge and macro manually, then select Look Again.
  • Don’t Create - Closes the window with no further action to add the document to the Document Module or upload to DonorCentral.

11. If you choose Create or Create and Upload to DC, a confirmation displays.

12. Select OK.


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