Application Tab (Scholarships)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Application Tab (Scholarships)

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Article summary

Application Tab (Scholarships)

The Application tab contains the basic information about the Scholarship application, including the Student, Grantee, institution, payee, and the Scholarship Fund.

Application Tab

Application Tab: General Entry Fields





ID code of the Student.

If you are not sure of the ID code, click the Lookup button (magnifying glass) next to this field to select from a list of Students.



ID code of the Grantee.

If you are not sure of the ID code, click the Lookup button (magnifying glass) next to this field to select from a list of Grantees.


ID code of the educational institution that the Student plans to attend (or is currently attending) and that the Scholarship will apply to.

If you are not sure of the ID code, click the Lookup button (magnifying glass) next to this field to select from a list of institutions.

Grant Amount


The amount approved for the Scholarship award.

NOTE: You must enter an amount in this field for all approved applications.

Grant Date


The vote or action date for the Scholarship decision.

You must enter a date in this field in order to post any applications, regardless of whether the application is approved, denied, or withdrawn.

Schol. Fund

Required (for posting)

The Fund ID associated with the Scholarship that the Student is applying for.

If the Fund offers more than one Scholarship and you are not sure of the ID code, click the Lookup button (magnifying glass) next to this field to select from a list of Fund Scholarships.

Program Name

The name that identifies the Scholarship award in Grant reports.

FIMS automatically creates this name in Scholarship/<StudentLastName>, <StudentFirstName> SS# <StudentSocSecurityNumber> format (for example, Scholarship/Bennett, Tony SS# 000-25-0000).

Requested Amt.

The amount requested by the Scholarship Applicant.

Date Received

The date that the Scholarship application was received.


Indicates the payee that will appear on the invoice created in A/P when the approved Scholarship is posted. You can choose to pay the Institution, the Student, or Both.

Mail Check To

The ID code for the Student or institution who will receive the check in the mail.

NOTE: This field only defines the address that the check will be sent to. It does not have any effect on the Payee.

If you are not sure of the ID code, click the Lookup button (magnifying glass) next to this field to select from a list of Profiles.


User-defined informational field that indicates the procedural status of the application, and follows the Application/Scholarship into history as an indicator of the final disposition (for example, Approved or Approved with Conditions).

The value in this field can be changed to reflect alterations in status; either during the course of the review or after the application is posted.

You can also use this field to select applications for mail merges (for example, receipt acknowledgements or Applicant notification letters for approvals and denials).

Status Date

The date when the Status field was last updated. The default value is today’s date.


The Action code for the application: Approved, Denied, Withdrawn, Imported, or Open.

NOTE: Applications coded as Open are ignored by the Edit report and cannot be posted.


User-defined code that identifies the staff person who is working on the application.

Grant Num.

This read-only field displays the Grant number that is automatically assigned to the application.


Alphanumeric code or number used to assign the application to a batch for processing.

Application Tab: Description Field

Click the Description radio button on the bottom half of the Application tab to access this field.

The Description field is a free-form text field that is intended for a comment or phrase to describe the Scholarship.


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