Combine Two Profiles
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Combine Two Profiles

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Article summary

Combine Two Profiles

The Combine Two Profiles utility allows you to combine the history of two Profiles into a single Profile record. You can choose to eliminate one of the Profiles, or keep both records.

Note: IMPORTANT: You should always make a backup copy of your database before running this utility (or any process that will delete records). You may also want to first run this utility in your Test and Learn database before using it on your actual data. Combining profiles cannot be un-done.

Note: IMPORTANT: If both Profile records have associated Donor or Grantee records, this information will not be copied from one record to the other. You must keep both Profiles in order to maintain the Donor and Grantee information. If only one Profile has Donor or Grantee records, this information will be available in the combined Profile.

In addition to combining Gift and Grant history, this utility combines Contacts, Relationships, Alternate Addresses, Affiliations, Fund Associations, and Notes. If the same notepad is used for both Profiles, the notes attached to the "from" Profile will be appended to those in the "to" Profile. You can optionally change CC, Honor/Memorial, and Match ID codes in Gift History.

Address, phone, and email information is not copied from one Profile record to the other. If you are combining Profiles and then deleting one of the records, we recommend that you keep the Profile with the most relevant information on the Profile 1 tab, and make any changes once you are finished combining records.

Please keep in mind that this does not completely merge the two Profiles. If you are not sure about the results of the merge, you can choose to keep both Profiles and inspect them to make sure that all of the desired information is included in the record you want to keep. After this inspection, you can manually delete the Profile record that you do not want to keep (or choose to keep both records).

Note: If you want to combine more than two duplicate Profile records, use the Combine Two Profiles in Batch utility. Refer to Combining Two Profiles in Batch for more information.

1. In the Profile Management module, select File Maintenance > Combine Two Profiles. The Combine Two Profiles window opens.

Combine Two Profiles Window

Scroll down in the top window on the right side to view all of the verbiage for this tool.

2. In the Copy From Profile field, enter the ID code of the Profile record that you want to copy data from (and possibly delete). If you are not sure of the ID code, click the arrow in this field to select from a Profile lookup list.

3. In the Copy To Profile field, enter the ID code of the recipient Profile record. If you are not sure of the ID code, click the arrow in this field to select from a Profile lookup list.

4. (Recommended) If you want to change Gift History information to reflect the updated Profile information, select the Change CC, Honor/Memorial, and Match ID Codes in Gift History checkbox.

5. Make a selection for the Profile folders' names. If a profile name is changed, FIMS creates a new folder for that new profile name. You can choose the behavior for the old profile folder for the old name and the new one for the new name.

5. Click OK. A confirmation window opens to ask if you want to delete the Copy From Profile record. Click Yes to combine the records and delete the Copy From Profile record, or No to combine the records and keep them both.


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