Drag and Drop Gift and Grant Documents into the Document Module
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Drag and Drop Gift and Grant Documents into the Document Module

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Drag and Drop Gift and Grant Documents into the Document Module

For Gift and Grant records, you can drag and drop preexisting documents to the Documents Module to either store in FIMS or upload to DonorCentral.

Some of the types of files that you can add to the Gift or Grant folders are Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF or Microsoft Excel documents.

To add Gift or Grant documents to the Document Module using drag and drop:

1. In Gifts or Grants, go to Unposted Gifts\Gift History or Applications\Application History.

2. Find the Gift or Grant.

3. Drag and drop a document to the Folder button. You'll see a plus sign appear. Do not open the Gift or Grant folder. Instead, drag the file to the Folder icon.

Note: On Azure Cloud, drag and drop works only MyFiles folders.

4. After dragging the file to the Gift or Grant folder, a window displays where you can Create Docs or Create and Upload to DC. This option adds the document to the Documents Module or to the Documents Module then to DonorCentral.

Select one of the options to either Create and Upload to DC or to just Create Docs.

5. A confirmation window shows the number of documents added to the Documents Manager. If you chose to Create and Upload to DC, the documents were also uploaded to DonorCentral and will display on the Gift or Grant record in DonorCentral. Click OK on the message:

You can now access the document in the Gifts or Grants module in which you dropped it, or in the Documents Module (View > Documents Module). If you chose to upload the document to DonorCentral, you will see the documents in DonorCentral on the Gift or Grant record. 


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