Error Messages when Trying to Submit Saved Recommendations or Edit\Change\Submit Recurring Suggestions in DonorCentral
  • 17 Jan 2023
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Error Messages when Trying to Submit Saved Recommendations or Edit\Change\Submit Recurring Suggestions in DonorCentral

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I am trying to submit a saved recommendation or edit\change\submit a recurring suggestion and I am getting errors, how can I resolve these?


These errors occur typically with suggestions that were created and saved in SKY1 prior to 4/27/2021 but then later submitted in SKY4. We have added these error messages with verbiage that will advise the user as to what needs to be changed in the suggestion in order to submit it.

These messages do not occur when submitting new recommendations or when submitting recommendations that were saved after 4/27/2021.

Staff administrators can go to Control Panel\Site Administration\Unsubmitted Recommendations and see what recommendations were saved prior to 4/27/2021 to proactively know which recommendations will have issues.

As older saved suggestions are processed, these errors will gradually go away.

Some of the errors that you may see in DonorCentral are the following below:

1. 'Submit recommendation failed [object  Object]'

This message has been changed to 'This charity no longer exists. Please select another recipient'

'This charity no longer exists. Please select another recipient' when Submitting a Saved Recommendation in DonorCentral NXT

2. 'Submit recommendation failed. "ProgramName" must be a string

To resolve this error, go to the program name area and see if its blank or has non text characters. If its blank, you can add a space or can add some text in that area. If you do not have a program name to add for the suggestion, you can simply add any text of your choice in that field.

3. 'Submit recommendation failed. "Purpose" must be a string

To resolve this error, go to the Purpose area of the recommendation and see if its blank or has non text characters. If its blank, you can add a space or can add some text in that area. If you do not have a purpose to add for the suggestion, you can simply add any text of your choice in that field.

4. 'Submit recommendation failed. "SpecialRequest" must be a string

To resolve this error, go to the Special Request area of the suggestion and see if its blank or has non text characters. If its blank, you can add a space or can add some text in that area. If you do not have a special request to add for the suggestion, you can simply add any text of your choice in that field.

5. 'Submit recommendation failed. "RecurrenceNotes" must be a string

To resolve this error, go to the Recurrence Notes area of the suggestion, which is labeled notes, and see if its blank or has non text characters. If its blank, you can add a space or can add some text in that area. If you do not have a recurrence notes to add for the suggestion, you can simply add any text of your choice in that field.

The recurrence notes area is located here on the bottom of this area in the Notes field:

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