Error: missing or invalid G/L account when running an interfund edit and post report
  • 20 Mar 2023
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Error: missing or invalid G/L account when running an interfund edit and post report

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Article summary

When attempting to post interfunds from the interfund module, there may be an error in your edit and post report: ** E: missing or invalid G/L credit/debit account. 

If there is no account that shows after that error, review the steps here.

If there is an account listed, you may also see errors in the report that say: E ** debits do not equal credits for fund ___". In that case, take note of the gift number and follow these steps:
  1. If not there already, go to View > Interfund module.
  2. Open the applications supertab.
  3. Locate the gift or grant that the errors point to on the edit report.
  4. Double click to open the record, and go to the General Ledger sub-tab.
  5. Take note of the accounts being used. If it is the incorrect account, enter the correct account. If you need to use this account, then follow the steps below.
Depending on the error received (either invalid credit account or invalid debit account), next, search the general ledger for that account. 
  1. Go to General Ledger > Accounts Supertab.
  2. Search for the account the error report shows as invalid.
  3. If the account is not there and needs to be added, add the account. 

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