Error: Unable to open file: ocnvCPRF.txt. Errno 2. (98) - when running the DIY profile import tool
  • 04 Jun 2023
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Error: Unable to open file: ocnvCPRF.txt. Errno 2. (98) - when running the DIY profile import tool

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Article summary

I am trying to import a list of new profiles using the DIY Profile Import tool. I am using a csv file will all of the correct columns. However, when I try the import I get an error saying “Unable to open file: ocnvCPRF.txt. Errno=2. (98)”. That’s not even the name of my file. How do I fix this?

Fortunately, this error has an easy, if counterintuitive, solution. This error happens because there is a setting missing in FIMS. To correct this:
  1. Go to Tools > User Preferences
  2. Select ‘All other Preferences’ and click Ok.
  3. Under Option, select SaveAsDir. This is probably set to None. It needs to be defined.
  4. Click Browse and select a folder.
Attempt your Profile Import again and you should not get the error.

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