FIMS Closes and Re-opens when Attempting to Post Gifts
  • 23 Jan 2023
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FIMS Closes and Re-opens when Attempting to Post Gifts

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Article summary

While attempting to post certain gifts, FIMS restarts and gifts are not posted.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. In Gifts module, on unposted Gifts tab, select "processes"
  2. Highlight Gift edit report, click Run Process.
  3. Filter on specific gift affected (For example: 10200).
  4. Click OK.
  5. Clicks "Run Report" to Screen.
  6. Gift edit report appears - zero warnings, zero errors.
  7. Clicks Post Gifts.
  8. Selects to Run Report to screen.
  9. Appears to begin posting, but then the process stops and FIMS disappears.
  10. FIMS menu pops back up, gifts are not posted.
This issue is addressed in FIMS 14.72.

Posting Gifts with multiple funds, where some go to DonorCentral but others do not, no longer causes FIMS to close and reopen.

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