Fund Statement Designer Description change reverts when running fund statement
  • 16 Mar 2023
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Fund Statement Designer Description change reverts when running fund statement

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Article summary

When saving a change to the fund statement designer, it appears to save. However, when running the fund statement, the changes don't appear in the preview of the report and they have reverted back in Fund Statement Designer.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. In FIMS > Go to File Maintenance > General Ledger > Fund Statement Designer.
  2. Change the description of a statement
  3. Click Save Options
  4. Choose to save statement and save report. 
  5. Close Fund Statement Designer
  6. Go to Reports > General Ledger > Fund Statement > Saved Reports tab
  7. Load saved report
  8. Send To tab
  9. Run Report
  10. When the report opens, click External Statements > Preview
The reports will not have the updated description from the fund statements designer. Go back to fund statement designer and see the change has reverted.
  1. Follow the steps to duplicate to step 5.
  2. Go to Reports > General Ledger > Fund Statement, but do not load a saved report
  3. Set the report parameters manually 
  4. Go to the Send To tab and run the report. 
If this resolves the issue, delete the saved report that was being used and create a new one. 

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