Grant Analysis by Fund Report
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Grant Analysis by Fund Report

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Article summary

Grant Analysis by Fund Report

This report evaluates the past Grant-making behavior of Funds, based on the program areas that received Grants. This is useful to help with Grant budgeting because it reflects historic Grant budgeting for Donor-advised Funds.

NOTE: This report reflects all historic Grants; it is not limited by date range.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Grants > Grant Analysis by Fund.

Grant Analysis by Fund Report


Grant Analysis by Fund Fields



Fund ID

The Fund ID for the Fund whose history is being analyzed.

Fund Name

The name of the Fund whose history is being analyzed.

Date Established

The date when the Fund was established.

Program Area

The program area(s) that received Grants from the Fund.

Count / %

The number of Grants and percentage of all Grants that went to each program area.

Grants Voted / %

The total amount and percentage of Grant money that went to each program area.


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