How can I Remove an Un-posted Journal Entry that is Years into the Future?
    • 24 May 2023
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    How can I Remove an Un-posted Journal Entry that is Years into the Future?

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    I accidentally created a journal entry with a year of 9797, when I go to GL I do not see if in Journal Entry of course because I do not have any GL accounts created for that year, but when I run a journal entry edit report I see the unposted entries. How can I remove these?


    You can remove un-posted journal entries that you cannot find the normal way in GL with the Purge Unposted G/L entries tool located in General Ledger on the Journal Entry tab on the sub-tab called Automatic entries. When you run the tool enter in your apply dates that apply to your journal entries so that you are only purging those unposted entries and nothing else. Additionally, you can also enter in the journal numbers as well.


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