How do I fix a zero market balance with units remaining after removing a fund from a pool?
  • 03 Feb 2023
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How do I fix a zero market balance with units remaining after removing a fund from a pool?

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Article summary

If you have removed a fund from a pool, but have units remaining, you can run a tool to fix this situation.

If you successfully removed a Fund from a Pool and it ended up with a zero-market balance, but there are still units remaining, you can run a tool to remove the units.
  1. Tools > System Utilities > Admin Utilities > Finance Utilities > Update FACTS Pool Price or Units
  2. Select the pool
  3. Leave the defaulted values untouched
  4. Click OK
  5. If the funds with $0 market show $0 units and the other funds displayed on the report show reasonable changes, click apply.

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