How do I search and select an entire range for characters, including alphas and numerics?
    • 02 Feb 2023
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    How do I search and select an entire range for characters, including alphas and numerics?

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    Article summary

    There is a hierarchy for searching and/or selecting data in our database. This is the reference for what character is first looked at through which character is last.

    When you are searching and/or reporting on a field range, you need to understand the hierarchy of characters so that you do not miss a record.  Typically a range of a blank through zzz will capture all instance of value.  Remember that numbers come before letters.

    When searching text fields for a range of information such as "Every profile starting with the letters 'Con' ",  it searches based on it's Ascii value.  

    Basically what happens is the range stated includes many more characters than would typically be used in a name. As an example, there are 7 characters between the end of the number characters and the start of the capital letter characters.   Searching for 'Con0' through 'ConZZZZZZ' searches through 94 entries of the table, only 62 of which being alphanumeric.

    Below is a summary of characters searched and is in order from first to last.
    • Space
    • ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
    • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    • : : < = >  ? @
    • A through Z (all capital letters)
    • [ \ ] ^ _ `
    • a through z (all lower case letters)
    • { | } ~

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