How do you make sections on a FieldMaker plus tab?
    • 25 Jan 2023
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    How do you make sections on a FieldMaker plus tab?

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    Article summary

    I want to use headers and dividers on the FieldMaker "+" tab. How can I do this?

    The current version of FieldMaker does not have headers or dividers available.   However, there is a way to accomplish this.  For example, if you want the various donor interest toggle boxes to have a header or a fill-in instruction, do the following:
    • Create a character field with a View As of Fill-in.  
    • Since the field name isn't important, a name such as Header_1 can be used.  
    • The label might be "Donor Interests" or "Check off all the Interests for this Donor".
    • Add the field to the layout and make the actual data size as small as possible.
    • Click the field on the Layout tab, select Properties and set Read Only to Yes.  
    • This is one time you should use the Layout\Format\Properties option.  
    • This will cause the field to display, but not allow data entry.  
    To create a divider, use the same process as creating a header except make the label blank and make the data entry section long and thin.  
    • Divider_1 is a good field name.

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