Manage Recurring Recommendations
    • 30 Jul 2024
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    Manage Recurring Recommendations

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    Article summary

    Manage Recurring Recommendations

    To view details about your recurring recommendations, select Recommendations, then Manage recurring. Here you will see cards displaying all recurring recommendations. In the page header, you can see the total number of recommendations with an Active status (meaning there is a least one remaining recurrence) and a Closed status (meaning there are no remaining recurrences).

    Note: Some features are only available to donor/advisors and to administrators viewing as advisors. If you are an administrator, go to Home and select View as advisor. For more information, see View DonorCentral as an Advisor.

    View information included on each card

    • Charity name
    • Grant amount per payment
    • Recurring grant interval (in days, months, or years)
    • Fund name
    • Total dollar amount and number of recurrences recommended to date
    • Total dollar amount and number of recurrences remaining. If no end date has been set, Open-ended displays instead.
    • Date of next recurrence (for Active recommendations)
    • Date of final recurrence (for Closed recommendations)

    Filter your view

    By default, only recurring recommendations with an Active status are shown. You can use the Status dropdown menu near the top of the page to change which recommendations are displayed.

    • To show both Active and Closed recommendations, select All.
    • To show only Closed recommendations, select Closed.
    • To show only Active recommendations, select Active.

    Change a recurring recommendation

    1. Locate the recurring recommendation you want to modify.

    2. Select the triple-dot menu at the bottom of the card, then Change.

    3. In the Change this recurring recommendation? box, select Yes.

    • When you opt to change a recurring recommendation, all future recurrences are canceled and you'll start a new recommendation where you'll make your changes.

    4. Make changes as needed, using the Next button to advance through the sections.

    5. When you arrive at the Agreement section, select I agree to accept the terms.

    6. Select Review to go over your choices, then Submit.

    Stop a recurring recommendation

    1. Locate the recurring recommendation you want to cancel.

    2. Select the triple-dot icon  at the bottom of the card, then Stop.

    • When you stop a recurring recommendation, all future recurrences are canceled.

    3. On the confirmation message, select Yes to confirm.

    Reopen a recurring recommendation

    1. Set the Status filter to Closed to display any recurring recommendations that are closed.

    2. Select the triple-dot icon  at the bottom of the card, then Re-open.

    Note: If you are viewing as an advisor, you won't be able to reopen the recurrence if the recommendation has a different advisor. You'll be prompted to remove advisor view to continue.

    • When you opt to reopen a recurring recommendation, a new recurring recommendation is created for the same fund, amount, and frequency. You can change any of the details before submitting the recommendation.

    3. In the confirmation message, select Yes to open the recommendation form.

    4. Use the Next button to advance through the sections. Optionally, modify any of the details for the recommendation.

    5. When you arrive at the Agreement section, select I agree to accept the terms.

    6. Select Review to go over your choices, then Submit.

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