Microsoft Word Crashes when Running FIMS or DonorCentral Macros during Word Merge or Running eAdvisorFundStatements 2007 Macro
  • 23 May 2023
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Microsoft Word Crashes when Running FIMS or DonorCentral Macros during Word Merge or Running eAdvisorFundStatements 2007 Macro

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Article summary

When selecting a Macro to run in Microsoft Word during a word merge, the error will appear and Word will stop working.

You may see this error occur:

Error: "APPCRASH: WINWORD.EXE Fault Module Name: mso.dll" when running a Macro in Word during Word Merge


A common cause of this error is due to the navigation window being open in Microsoft Word when attempting to run the Macro. After Word crashes, re-start the merge in Word, but close the navigation window (pictured below) before running the Macro.

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