Multiple Errors occur trying to use Watchlist Check in FIMS in Progress 10
  • 07 Mar 2024
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Multiple Errors occur trying to use Watchlist Check in FIMS in Progress 10

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Article summary

When running the Watchlist Check in FIMS with Progress 10, multiple errors occur and no results show up. The errors are below:
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) failure. error code 29712: SSL routines (9318)
  • Connection failure for host port 443 transport HTTPS. (9407)
  • Error loading WSDL document  Fatal Error: connect operations failed (WinSock reported error=0) (11748)
  • Unable to connect to the Web Service. please contact support for help.


Progress OpenEdge 10 is no longer supported. You will need to upgrade to Progress 11.7.19 to resolve this issue. 

Steps To Duplicate

1. Open profile module
2. In the datagrid click the Process Selections icon

3. Run Watchlist Check

4. Check ID Code box

5. Click OK

6. Errors occur

7. Click OK through errors.

8. 0 hits show and report is blank

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