Negative Voucher Cannot be Deleted from Accounts Payable Open Items Using a Debit Memo
  • 06 Jun 2023
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Negative Voucher Cannot be Deleted from Accounts Payable Open Items Using a Debit Memo

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Article summary

Upon attempting to remove a negative voucher by creating a debit memo, it is noted that the created debit memo is for a 0 amount and has no AP lines in it. If an attempt is made to add either a negative or positive amount into the selected amount field the error, "selected amount cannot be more than the amount due and cannot be negative" occurs.
 Additionally, the debit memo cannot be posted due to the following errors in the A/P Item Edit report:
 **E Missing A/P lines
 **E Debit Memo will cause Payable to go Negative

Steps To Duplicate:

Steps to Duplicate
 1. Open the item ( double-click) and select Create Debit Memo.
 2. Read the paragraph that appears to decide what date you should use.
 3. After creating the debit memo go to Item Entry and post it.  This will clear out the erroneous negative voucher.
 4. Note the errors messages in the A/P Item Edit report:
 "**E Missing A/P lines
 **E Debit Memo will cause Payable to go Negative


This is addressed in FIMS 14.72.
 Prior to this release, when a voucher was applied to a negative debit memo, an error in the Edit report prevented the debit memo from posting. Only support could resolve the issue.
 Starting in this release, you can now remove negative, unapplied debit memos so you can post debit memos without the need for support assistance.


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