Payables by Fund Report
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Payables by Fund Report

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Article summary

Payables by Fund Report

This report provides total outstanding Voucher amounts for each Fund based on three selected time frames and for the future (after the last defined time period).

When you run the report you will be prompted for three dates that will be used to define the end of each time period on the report. The information that appears on the report will vary depending on the dates you select.

You can run this report in either a detailed or summary format.

NOTE: You can also view payables by Fund for a past date. Refer to the Payables as of a Past Date – Fund Detail Report for more information.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Accounts Payable > Payables by Fund.


Payables by Fund Report Fields




The Fund from which the Voucher payment will be made.


The payee’s ID code and report name.

Voucher Number

The number on the outstanding Voucher.

Date 1

The first date you selected.

Payments that are due before or on the first due date will appear in this column.

Date 2

The second date you selected.

Payments that are due between the first and second date (or the same as the second date) will appear in this column.

Date 3

The third date you selected.

Payments that are due between the second and third date (or the same as the third date) will appear in this column.


Any payments that are due later than the third selected date will appear in this column.

 Running the Payables by Fund Report

1. In the Accounts Payable module, select Reports > Payables by Fund. The Payables by Fund Criteria window opens.
Payables by Fund Criteria Window

2. Enter the First Due Date, Second Due Date, and Third Due Date that you want to include in your report.

3. Select either the Summary or Detail radio button to determine the output for the report.

4. Click the arrow in the Admin / Grant / Both drop-down box and select the type of payables you want to include in the report: All, Admin, All Grants, Scholarship Grants, or Non-Scholarship Grants.

5. (Optional) If you want to limit your report results by Fund, enter the desired range of Fund ID, Division, Fund Class, Fund Type, and Subtype codes.

6. Click OK.

7. Verify the Send To destination, and then click the Run Report button.


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