Payment Plan Tab (Scholarship Application History)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Payment Plan Tab (Scholarship Application History)

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Article summary

Payment Plan Tab (Scholarship Application History)

The Payment Plan tab displays the payment schedule for the Scholarship, including the Funding source of each payment.

NOTE: You cannot make any changes to the payment plan from this tab.

This tab varies slightly from the Payment Plan tab for unposted applications. It has additional fields that provide information about adjustments that have been made since the Scholarship application was posted.

Payment Plan Tab


Payment Plan Fields




Sequential number that is automatically assigned to each payment line.

Orig. Schedule

The original payment date assigned to the Scholarship.


The amount due on the Payment date or the adjustment amount.

Fund ID

The Fund ID for the Fund that is offering the Scholarship.

NOTE: It is possible to select different Funds for different payment lines.

Fund Name

Read-only field that displays the name of the selected Fund.

Adj. Number

Sequential number that is assigned to each adjustment.

NOTE: If there are no adjustments, 00 will appear in this field.

Adj. User

The FIMS user name of the person who made the adjustment.

Anonymous Fund

Indicates whether the Scholarship is being Granted anonymously (Yes or No).

NOTE: If the Scholarship Voucher has been posted in AP but has not yet been paid, you can change this setting by right-clicking on the desired payment line and selecting Change Anonymous Fund.


Sequential number that is added to the end of the voucher number in A/P Open Items for each line item that has a different pay date.

For example, if you have two payment lines with different dates, and the voucher number is 080025, two voucher numbers would be created in A/P: 08002501 and 08002502.


The type of adjustment that was made (for example, Cancellation, or Refund)

Adj. Date

The date when the adjustment was made.

Adj. Apply Date

The date when the adjustment was applied to the Scholarship.

Additional Adjustment Fields

These fields appear at the bottom of the Payment Plan tab. They are used for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.



Original Amount

The total original amount of the Scholarship.

Current Amount

The total amount of the Scholarship after any adjustments.

Adjustment Applied

The date when the adjustment was applied to the Scholarship.

Reason for Adjustments

User-defined description of the type of adjustment that was made or the reason the adjustment was made.


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