Pledge Payments Due Report
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Pledge Payments Due Report

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Article summary

Pledge Payments Due Report

This report provides a detailed receivables report based on a Pledge payment due date. The report is sorted based on the ID code of the Donor who made the Pledge and the grand total of all Pledges is displayed at the end of the report.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Pledges > Pledge Payments Due.

Pledge Payments Due Report

 Pledge Payments Due Fields




The Donor’s Profile ID code.


The Donor’s report name.

Pledge #

The Pledge number that is automatically assigned to each new Pledge.

Inst. #

The installment line number for the Pledge.


The Fund that the Pledge will be applied to.

Due Date

The date when the Pledge payment (or Pledge line item payment) is due.

Amount Due

The amount of the payment that is due on the due date.

Orig. Amount

The original amount of the Pledge.

Adj. Amount

The Pledge amount, after any adjustments have been made. If there have not been any adjustments, this amount will be identical to the Original Amount.


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