The X on the Top Right of the Title Bar does not Appear
  • 03 Nov 2022
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The X on the Top Right of the Title Bar does not Appear

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Article summary

When in a module in FIMS, sometimes the X on the top right of the title bar does not appear making it impossible to close a module.

This can occur if the user in question does not have the user preference for multiple windows set or the system option set for multiple Windows.

To resolve do the following:

1. Go to npo\found\ConfigFiles
2. Find the FIMS.ini and open with Notepad
3. Add the following line to the Startup section of the file:


4. Click save

If you have this same issue occur when using FIMS on the server, then you will need to edit the FIMSNT.ini in the same manner because servers always use the FIMSNT.ini and workstations use the FIMS.ini.

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