This record is a duplicate and will not be created - when adding a profile to the fund association tab of a fund.
  • 19 Jan 2023
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This record is a duplicate and will not be created - when adding a profile to the fund association tab of a fund.

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Article summary

When linking/adding a profile to a fund using the fund associations tab of the fund record, the error message "This record is a duplicate and will not be created" appears when saving the record. 

Steps To Duplicate:

1 - Launch FIMS

2 - Open the FUNDS module

3 - Open any FUND

4 - Navigate to the Fund Associations tab

5 - Click the New icon and select a profile

6 - Fill in any additional information needed (you can also just enter the profile ID, the result will be the same) 

7 - Click "save"

8 - Navigate to a new fund

9 - Click "save" again when prompted

 "This record is a duplicate and will not be created" appears.

This is resolved in FIMS 14.72.

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