Character limit for Grant Purpose field on Grant Recommendation in DonorCentral does not recognize when character limit is exceeded
  • 20 Mar 2023
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Character limit for Grant Purpose field on Grant Recommendation in DonorCentral does not recognize when character limit is exceeded

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Article summary

After setting a maximum limit on the number of characters within the Grant Purpose field, no error appears when exceeding that limit and the user can continue through with creating the recommendation.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Log into DonorCentral
  2. Click on Control Panel > Recommendation form
  3. Click on the green recommendation bubble
  4. Scroll down to grant purpose and click on the settings button at the top right of the grant purpose box
  5. Click on the validation tab
  6. Set maximum character limit
  7. Enter a custom error message
  8. Click save
  9. Scroll down and click save form
  10. Click on Recommendations > New
  11. Once you get to the Grant Purpose field type in more characters than the limit. 
  12. Notice no error appears and you can continue through the form even if character limit is exceeded
Note that in SKY 4, these field names have changed. Character limit is now called Maximum Length. There is also a field for maximum word length as well.
For the validation to work correctly a text field needs to be used. 

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