Configure Posting Settings for Gifts
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Configure Posting Settings for Gifts

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Configure Posting Settings for Gifts

Note: Contact FIMS Support for help configuring these settings.

When the Post Gifts to G/L option is set to Yes, entries are automatically created in General Ledger when you post your Gifts.

When the G/L Active option is set to Yes, it will serve as a global indicator that G/L is being used.

  • For normal operation (posting Gifts that should affect G/L), both flags should be set to Yes.

  • If the G/L Active flag is set to Yes and the Gift Posting to GL option is set to No, you should consider carefully before confirming (for example, consider why the Gifts are being posted without creating General Ledger Journal Entries. These settings may be intentional if “historical” transactions are being posted).

FIMS indicates the state of the flags as you are prompted to confirm the post.

  1. From anywhere in FIMS, select Tools > System Utilities > System Initial Setup. The System Initial Setup window opens.

  2. Click the Posting tab.

    Posting Tab

  1. In the G/L System Controls section (on the bottom left-hand side of the tab), either select or clear the G/L Active and the Post Gifts to G/L checkboxes.

  1. Click OK.

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