Creating a Contact/Tickle
  • 11 Jul 2023
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Creating a Contact/Tickle

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Contacts and Tickles > Creating a Contact/Tickle

Creating a Contact/Tickle


1. From anywhere in FIMS, either click the Contacts button on the Miscellaneous Command toolbar or select View > Contacts. The Contacts Data Grid opens.

Contacts Data Grid

2. Click the New button on the toolbar. The Edit Contacts window opens. The data entry fields are cleared, with the exception of the date and time fields in the Tickle section of the window, which are automatically populated with the current date and time, by default.

Note: You can also access this window by clicking the New button on the Reminders for Today Data Grid, or on the Contacts tab for a Profile.

Edit Contacts Window

3. Click the Lookup button (looks like a magnifying glass) next to the ID Code field and select the Profile that you want to associate with the new Contact/Tickle. Once you select a Profile, the information in the Profile section of the window is automatically populated with the Profile information.

Note: Most Contacts are related to Profiles, but it is not required. If you do not want to associate the Contact with a Profile, leave the ID Code field blank.

4. (Optional) If you want to create a Tickle for this Contact, do the following:

  • Select the Tickle checkbox.
  • Click the arrow in the Tickle Who drop-down box and select the name of the person you want to see the tickle when they log into FIMS.
  • Change any of the dates, as necessary.
  • (Optional) Set a Priority level.
  • (Optional) If the Tickle should recur annually, select the Recurring checkbox.

    Note: You must reset the date for recurring tickles every year. Refer to Advancing Contact Dates in the Profile Management module for more information.

5. Enter the Comment that you want to appear when the Contact/Tickle is viewed in a Data Grid.

6. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

7. Repeat this process to create any additional Contacts/Tickles.

Note: If you want to view the Contacts that you created, click the Search button on the toolbar to open the Contacts Data Grid. When you are completely finished working with Contacts, click the Close button. 

Tip: Copy Contact Button

Click the Copy Contact button (looks like a clipboard) next to the Comment field to copy the contact information (name, address, telephone number, fax number, date and time of the contact, and comments) to the clipboard. You can then paste the information into a word processing document or email message. This is a helpful feature for keeping your colleagues informed of contact activity.


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