Error: **CRC for Profile does not match CRC in gui/profiles/d-scdnit.w. Try recompiling. (1896)
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Error: **CRC for Profile does not match CRC in gui/profiles/d-scdnit.w. Try recompiling. (1896)

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Article summary

After performing a server move and upgrading to 14.61.  Client is experiencing this error every time they click on Setup DonorCentral Options.

Steps To Duplicate:
1) Log into FIMS
2) Go to Tools> System Utilities> Donor Central> Set up Donor Central Options
3) Error occurs
This was due to the upgrade not having completed correctly. Upon re-running the upgrade and making sure that the database was updated as well during the process, the error did not occur during compile.

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