Grants Disappear from or do not Show in DonorCentral
  • 19 Jan 2023
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Grants Disappear from or do not Show in DonorCentral

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Article summary

Grants are disappearing out of DonorCentral that were once there and others do not show at all, what is the cause of this?

This issue can be caused if the Real Time Sync option for Organizations is turned on, but the RTS option for Grants is turned off. In order for the RTS option for Organizations to work correctly, the RTS for Grants must also be turned on.

In order to adjust Real Time Sync settings for DonorCentral, do the following:

1. Go to Tools\System Utilities\DonorCentral\DonorCentral Options
2. Go to the Real-Time Sync Section
3. In the Options column, you will see the different choices for types of data to be included in RTS
4. Look at the value for RTS_Organizations to see if it is set for 'ON'
5. If RTS_Organizations is set for 'ON', then go to RTS_Grants and set the value for that as well to be 'ON'.
  • You can also choose to turn off RTS for Organizations, but if RTS for organizations is set for 'ON' then RTS for Grants must also be set for 'ON' if you do choose to do RTS for organizations.
6. After making changes, click Apply then OK.

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