How can I get the remaining balances of my pledges as of Dec 31?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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How can I get the remaining balances of my pledges as of Dec 31?

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Article summary

I need a listing of pledges with their remaining balances as of a specific date.  How can I get this?

How can I run an aged receivables report for my audit?

The Aged Trial balance w/as of date report is the best report for getting the pledge remaining balances as of a specific date.

The Aged Trial balance w/as of date report is basically an aged receivables report that can be run as of a specific date for the pledges module.

To get to the report go to Pledges>Reports>Aged Trial Balance w/as of Date

There are multiple criteria that you can select on this report:
  • As of Date:  This is the date that you are running the report as of.  For instance, if you needed your totals to compare to your end of year GL balance, you would select Dec 31.
  • Aging Date:  How old were these receivables on this specific date?  Often going to be the same date as the As of Date.
  • Pledge Date: What dates were these pledges actually entered on?  for example if you wanted to know the remaining balances of all pledges made in 2016, you could select pledge dates from 1/1/16 to 12/31/16.  Note that this selection is for pledge dates and not payment dates.
  • Fund ID: You can select specific Funds
  • Donor ID: You can select specific Donors
Define Your Day Ranges for Aging Columns
  • This gives you the ability to customize your aging columns
Report Formatting Options:
  • This allows to select summary or detail
Once you have run your report:

The Future column represents the portion of the open payable that is due after aging date chosen
The 0-30, 31-60, ect column represent the amount of the pledge that was over due by that many days as of the aging date.

Total pledge-This is the column you are probably looking for.  This is the column the represents the total of the pledge outstanding on the as of date.

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