How do I enter dates in FIMS?
  • 02 Feb 2023
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How do I enter dates in FIMS?

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Article summary

Date fields are displayed and entered in the format defined in your Windows Regional Settings.

For more information about the Regional Settings, please refer to the regional settings entry in the Windows online help index. FIMS verifies that the dates you enter exist. For example, you cannot enter February 29, 2005 because 2005 is not a leap year.

To enter a date, you can:
  • Type the date into the field.
  • Press a "T" to enter the current date into the field.
  • Press F6 or click the down arrow to the right of the field to choose the date from a calendar.
    • The date currently entered in the field (or the current date, if the field is blank) is highlighted.
    • To choose a specific date, click on it.
    • Change the dates by clicking the + or the - keys.
  • To clear out a date, click the F8 key or select "none" in the calendar look-up window

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